Friday, 25 October 2013


Do not feel debased or rejected or inferior,this is what your thought builds up... It is natural that human can feel somewhat inferior to everyone else at times during their lives. We tell ourselves that we aren't good enough, pretty enough or smart enough; yet these comments are in no way based on facts.Your 'inferiority' as you may refer to it, can also be seen as a unique or individual quality. What makes you feel these things are 'inferior' to everyone else? If there is no norm amongst human beings, how can there possibly be any form of inferiority?
No matter the challenges life has thrown you into,you have to accept its all for the better. Do you think people will stare at you or make comments? These are all valid worries but do bear in mind - everyone is different. Any comments you receive are invalid and must be ignored at all costs. It's absolutely certain there is something they think is wrong with them, too,and that thing for example ,for your ex-hubby ,never refer to your differences as inferiority, never listen to anyone who puts you down,because he is in rightly wrong that could lead him to hell fire,Bible did not tell us about a man getting along to marry a fellow man ,any who does it is prepping for his place in hell.

Do not bring your son to like or be fond of the new partner of your ex-hubby ,it is going to destroy you what you set your mind on achieving  and you have to try and make sure Juda does not become fond of him unless you are not concerned about the little boy.....try to avoid exposing Juda to him,because you never know when he would start teaching him the hypothesis of gay theories and filter useless facts about how gay works or what makes it part of God's plan for human.If you are truly against anything they share or believe ,the new partner of your ex-hubby must be out of the picture in your son's life,whatever way that has to be done, have it done.Positivity attracts positivity .Because if you fail to do that then the picture,the memory ,the pains and this sadness will keep revisiting ,but bear in mind that life is what you make it.I would say,do not embrace so much about your ex-hubby,or what he wanted to make you look like.His era has gone in your life,you need a new lease of life,and you have to try and pretend nothing happy and turn a new leaf.

As for your ex-hubby not wanting to sign the divorce papers means he has got plan B.He is either weighing up options or he is trying not to involve in bringing Juda up ,which ever way I think he wants to take advantage and frustrate your God-given life.But I think most frequently people who like frustrating others often do so to further their own end and achieve a purpose.But you have to fight your course to lead a better life than he has anticipated of you,he would try to achieve this by making you feel inadequate and unsuitable.It's up to you to reject all those his wishes and plans.

There is a hunger for perfection in every human being, either physically, financially or otherwise. We know it’s unattainable in our hearts, but something  gives us hope that it’s possible to get. Therefore, once you see someone (who in your mind) is closer to perfection than you are, you start to feel inferior for your lack.You ex-hubby wants to attain perfection ,but the true fact is there’s no perfection in humanity. Perfection is not in our design or nature,he thinks  by being gay he could perfect his life or have gone round the life circle human perfection,but that is a lie.

I want to assure you that remaining in a state of inferiority comes with envy for what the other person does  and the feeling of stagnancy in your life; because you are so focused on what you do not have and what others do, you may lose touch of what you do have and miss out on how to get to a place of having all that you desire.Be careful as this is important aspect of my advice to you now,if you ever lose sight of what you have set your mind on due to your worries by feeling of inferior ,you are going to remain in sadness all the time and this could be devastating to your state of mind for a very ,very long time.

Like I said earlier on,positivity attracts positivity,try to hang on to good people,good things,everything that there is,so when you are happy with yourself, you start to attract happy things and situations. You may not have got your desired goals in life but it is essential to remember you are trying to achieve what want, and not the odds and ends that your ex-hubby or any one else anticipated of you through and through.

Bear these things in mind and do not forget what I say to you on daily. As for being lonely ,you are not lonely,am here for you,sometimes I try to squeeze out times to talk to you,even when it's tight due to work schedule,or anything.So do not consider yourself a lonely woman,like i said, life is what you make it.What would you say about me,I have got no wife,nor a girl ,but I don't consider myself a lonely person because i try to keep myself busy and be happy.I know is not easy to be a single mother ,but its not going to be that way for a life a time,everything changes,and change is the constant thing.So cheer up ,when you are at odd ends,turn to the bible,anything to keep you in the right frame of mind.

--Patrick Amaefule

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